Death Trench & Yser Tower (Ijzer-tower)
Death Trench: Yzerdijk 65-8600 Diksmuide
info: 051/505344
Open from 10 am to 4.30 pm.
The Yser Tower is primarily a memorial to the fallen of the First World War, but at the same time it is also a symbol of the will that arose along the Yzer for more political independence in Flanders.
It contains a museum full of First World War artefacts, to take you back in time 100 years. See the uniforms, smell the mustard gas! It also has the best views of the whole region. With any luck you can see Bruges to the North, Ypres to the South and the sea in the distance.
The Death Trench is a re-created Trench along the Yser, where you can truly experience the cramped living conditions for 4 years the soldiers endured.